SCAPE Program Founder Takeaways

Running an accelerator isn’t too much different than running a startup - you have a product (our program) and customers (founders). And much like the advice we give our companies, we do our best to take our own advice every now and again too. So when we get feedback, it’s just as valuable of a measure for how we’re doing as a customer’s review on a startup’s product. Julia Taylor, founder of GeekPack and SCAPE class of 2022, shared with us her top three takeaways from going through our program. Here they are:

1 - GeekPack is more successful than I let myself believe
2 - It gave me a lot of confidence to go for things that I normally wouldn't
3 - I made a ton of connections, introductions, relationships, networking

Because every founder is different, it’s essential for each person to dig in on their WHY and seek the lessons, education, and support needed to deliver on that goal. Kudos to Julia on doing so and reflecting on the process! Read Julia’s full explanation of her takeaways, here.


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